Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Why Choose Us
Are you planning to attend college or a professional school some day? Educators Inc. Private Christian School's (EIPCS) can help you make that first step by earning your high school diploma. Our classes focus on the core material that you need to know to earn a diploma but have real-world assignments to better prepare you to take on the challenges of attending college, the workforce, and beyond.
We offer a second chance to change your future. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, high school graduates are more likely to go on to college and get a higher paying job than non-graduates. Maybe you thought going to college just wasn't in the cards for you, but by earning your high school diploma at EIPCS, we dare you to think bigger and expect more from your hand.
Unlike most high schools that require you to follow the school's program schedule, our programs are self-paced and are made to cater to your schedule. We find that most students at Educators Inc. are able to to complete their program and graduate with a high school diploma in as little as 6 months with transferred credits from their previous high school. Our Adult Education Program (high school diploma program) can be completed on any device that connects to the internet or it can be completed using paper textbooks sent through the mail.
When comparing our program options, we find that our online programs are prefect for those who want the maximum flexibility in their program, who want the capability of earning their diploma in as little time as possible, who have easy access to the internet, and who feel comfortable studying online with digital eBooks, video lectures, worksheets, quizzes While our paper/mail programs are perfect for those who are able to follow directions by text, how do not have easy access to the internet, how are not in a hurry to earn their diploma, and who need or are more comfortable studying with printed textbooks and materials.
No matter how you choose to complete your program, you will be prepared to succeed at leading colleges and universities that are ready for your enrollment, and feel confident to join the workforce or military without hesitation.

From Student
To Graduate
Advantages of Earning a High School Diploma with Us
Nationally Accredited - Accepted Nationwide
Open Enrollment - We Accept Students All Year Round
Earn Your Diploma Faster - About Half the Time of a Traditional High School
100% Self-Paced - Complete Your Program on Your Time
Accessibility - Access Your Classes on the Google Classroom App Compatible on Most Devices
Program Convenience - Study Comfortability at Home 24/7 Anytime
Available in Spanish - With Our Textbook Paper/Mail Program
Lowest Tuition Cost - 55% Cheaper than Most Distance-learning High Schools
Keep Your Credits - Transfer Up to 70% of Approved Credits From Your Previous School Transcript
Low Pressure Programs - Perfect for High Anxiety Students, Homeschool Students, and Working Students
Each Program Includes:
Assessment (entrance) Test
Free Tracked Delivery of Fully Illustrated Textbooks, Materials, and Study Guides
Prompt Grading and Individualized Feedback on Your Classwork and Exams
One-On-One Instructor Support and 2 Free Tutoring Sessions by Video or Phone
State Required Final Testing for Each Subject
Availability to Our In-Person Quarterly High School Graduation Ceremonies (traveling may be required)
Upon graduation, you'll receive an Educators Inc. official high school diploma along with your school transcript.
Plus, you'll have the knowledge and confidence you need to take your education or career to the next level.