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Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
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Local News-
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools graduated 100 students from their online school and onsite Campus school on June 4, 2011. "This is our first online student Graduation and we are so proud to have graduated student from 18 years of age to 56 years. " Eipcs looks forward to graduating many more in the future. Congratulations class of 2011.

State Time News-
Educators Inc. Class of 2012
"Educators Inc. Graduated 59 students today at the River Front Park in Cocoa Village in Cocoa Florida at 7:00 Pm. A nice sit down dinner was prepared along with a beautiful ceremony under the stars. 16 of those students made Honor roll. Congratulations class of 2012!"

Orlando Sentinel-
Friday, May 23, 2019
EIPCS lauds 'wonderful' graduates
COCOA BEACH -- Students of the Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools celebrated their graduation Thursday evening during a ceremony at the Cocoa Beach Country Club.
One Hundred & Twenty-four students from the two campuses in Rockledge, Florida graduated this year.
"This is another crop of wonderful graduates," said Lara Nic, Head Administrator for the school. Ryan Andres was the valedictorian while Tyneisha Robinson graduated with high honors.
"I feel really proud," said Andres who is headed to a flight school in Vero Beach to train as a commercial airline pilot.
Michael Jacobs, another graduate, said being at the EIPCS had enabled him to set his own pace. "I am excited that I am out of school and in the real world," he said. Basu
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