Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Service Fees
Official transcripts are $20 each with regular mail included. Mailing services past regular mail (without tracking) such as regular mail with tracking (also known as media mail), priority mail, or express mail are not included with the cost of requesting a transcript. An additional fee will apply to add a tracking number to any orders or to upgrade the mailing service.
What is a transcript? A transcript is a buildable document showing the classes a student has completed and the credits earned from completing those classes. A transcript will show the student's grades and scores on it. The Florida Department of Education requires 24 credits from certain (required) classes to earn a high school diploma in the state of Florida. Other states may require more credits and classes to earn a high school diploma.
What is a transcript used for? A transcript is used to prove the classes and credits a student has earned to be awarded their diploma. Colleges, trade schools, the military, and other professional organizations usually require that a student's transcript be sent directly from the high school to prevent tampering. Once an official transcript envelop seal is broken/opened, it will no longer be accepted by most schools and organizations. If a student is trying to enroll in a college, a trade school, in the military, or with any other professional organization, this would be the document that the student would need to request and mail to them.
Diploma replacements are $30 each with regular mail included. Mailing services past regular mail (without tracking) such as regular mail with tracking (also known as media mail), priority mail, or express mail are not included with the cost of requesting a diploma replacement. An additional fee will apply to add a tracking number to any orders or to upgrade the mailing service.
What is a diploma? A diploma is a certificate that proves a student's educational level. Similar to an award, it shows that a student has successfully completed the required credit classes to be awarded a diploma.
What is a diploma used for? Similar to a trophy, a diploma is an accomplishment and represents all the credit classes a student had to complete to earn it. Although a diploma can be used to prove a student's educational level, its main purpose is to showcase the student's accomplishment. Since a diploma is not a buildable document to process a student's education, it is not a sufficient substitute or replacement for a student's transcript.
Verification letters are $10 each with emailing or regular mail included. Mailing services past emailing and regular mail (without tracking) such as regular mail with tracking (also known as media mail), priority mail, or express mail are not included with the cost of requesting a verification letter. An additional fee will apply to add a tracking number to any orders or to upgrade the mailing service.
What is a verification letter? A verification letter is professional letter sent from a school to an organization to verify a student's status with the school. Verification letters will have the student's full name, enrollment status, registration date, graduation date, and whatever certificates or diplomas were earned from the school. Verification letters may also include additional information, such as the student's ID number, their cumulative GPA, and any credits that were transferred from a previous school.
What is a verification letter used for? Verification letters are used to verify if a student is currently enrolled, has dropped out, or has graduated from a school. This letter can be helpful when a student needs to verify to someone that they are currently enrolled with a school, but have not yet earned their diploma. These letters are commonly requested by third-party organizations on behalf of an employer to verify a candidates education. They are usually requested during the background check stage after a student applies for a job.
Processing and Delivery
Email (verifications only) - Free
Regular Mail (without tracking) - Free
Add a Tracking Number (to regular mail) - $5
Priority Mail (tracking included) - $28
Express Mail (tracking included) - $50
Processing and delivery fees does not cover the cost of the service request (example: paying for a an official transcript itself or a diploma replacement itself). The cost of delivery is subject to change at any time and without notice.
Delivery Time:
Email delivery can take up to 5 days with processing.
Regular Mail (including media mail) may take up to 30 days with processing.
Priority Mail (1-3 day) can take up to 5 days with processing.
Express Mail (1 day) can take up to 2 days with processing.
For more information about our service requests or processing and delivery, please read the terms and conditions on the forms.