Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
School Policies
Below are some of our main school policies that may apply to all students, administration, and EIPCS team members. Please keep in mind that these are NOT all of our school's policies and that there are policies in place for all school programs, procedures, and situations. To find a specific policy, we recommend that you read your "EIPCS Policy Terms and Conditions Agreement" of the program that you are enrolled in or plan to enroll in, read the terms and conditions agreement on your request form(s), or contact Student Services at help@educatorsinc.org for assistance.
The EIPCS Scholarship applies to students in the Adult Education Program only. We currently do not offer any scholarships for our K-12th programs at this time. Students at EIPCS are paying a $400 fee to qualify and receive the scholarship from EIPCS. In order to be eligible for this scholarship, this policy must be fulfilled in its entirety and remain in good standing by the student. Scholarship funds can only be awarded (paid) to the school, to help fund the student’s cost of tuition only. Scholarship funds cannot be used to pay for other services or to pay to the student directly. To qualify for the EIPCS Scholarship, the student must not be in the EIPCS school system, must not have been previously enrolled at this school at any time, and must not have been awarded this scholarship or any other scholarships with EIPCS before.
The EIPCS Scholarship is available to all students who qualify. Qualifications include: Student is a first time enrolling student (never enrolled before and not in our school's system), student has not had the EIPCS Scholarship before or any other scholarship from EIPCS, and pays $400 (at least 60%) at the time of enrollment. The scholarship is available to all students who qualify regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, citizenship status, disability, genetic information, or veterans' status. EIPCS is compliant with all federal government laws and has a Nondiscrimination Policy in place to prevent discrimination of any kind.
Students who wish to be discharged from the Adult Education Program (also known as the High School Diploma Program) can receive a 100% refund on their tuition within the first 72 hours after registering. Refunds are time sensitive and must be submitted within 72 hours after registering. Students must complete a "Program Discharge Form" located on the "Resources" page of this website, or they can email help@educatorsinc.org or call the school to be sent this form. In the event that a student reaches the school's voicemail, students are advised to leave a message that includes their full name, their phone number, and a statement requesting a program discharge form. After 72 hours, all payments are non-refundable. In the event that an Assessment Test was taken and submitted within 24 hours of registering, a refund cannot be granted to the student due to services being rendered and served. Any students who were granted an EIPCS Scholarship and are requesting a discharge from the program, will forfeit any EIPCS Scholarship funding in the future, should they ever want to return back into the program. Students who registered under a special payment plan with the school, will not eligible for a refund request or program discharge with refund. Students under this type of payment plan (Payment Plan with EIPCS Scholarship) will not be refunded any amount should they choose to be discharged from the program or seek any type of program refund.
Parents can receive a 100% refund within the first 72 hours of registering. Refunds are time sensitive; do not wait to request a refund. A refund request must be submitted within 72 hours after registering by completing a "Program Discharge Form" request located on the "Resources" page of this website under "Forms/Documents". If you are having trouble finding this form, please contact the school by email (help@educatorsinc.org) or by phone (call 1-800-590-9611, option 8) for assistance. In the event that you reach our voicemail, leave a message that includes your full name, your phone number, and your request for a refund. After 72 hours, all payments are non-refundable. In the event that any classwork was started or completed within 24 hours of enrolling, a refund for that month cannot be granted, due to services being rendered and served. See the “Program Discharge Form’s Terms and Conditions” for more information about receiving a refund for the program.
If a student needs to cancel or reschedule their session for any reason, they are to let the school know as soon as possible by either emailing their teacher or by calling Student Services at 800-590-9611 option 107. Paid sessions must give at least a 2-hour notice in advance, or the student will only be refunded 50% of the tutoring fee. Should the student not show, cancel last minute (under 2 hours before their session), or are 10+ minutes late and it was cancelled by the tutor, the student will only be refunded 50% of their tutoring service fee.
We do not refund services requests if the request has already been fulfilled or mailed. Service requests includes (but are not limited to) transcript requests, diploma replacements, verification letter requests, and delivery fees for mailing the service request. In the event that a student overpaid for a service request, we can refund the remaining amount or credit the student's account to use the funds on an additional service request and/or on an upgrade on delivery. To learn more about services requests, read the "terms and conditions" located on our request forms.
Teachers can consult an all classwork assigned or suggested to research. A teacher cannot consult a student on an assessment test. The assessment is only for the teacher to determine the student’s weak areas that need improving. This test does not receive a transferable grade to the student’s transcript. A teacher cannot consult a student on any final tests, including but not limited to, the final test in the paper/mail program and any final tests in the classrooms. Each final test is required by the state and stands as the final grade summary of the student.
Teachers are available between 10:30AM and 5PM (Central Standard Time) and can be reached in three different ways: (1) by Email, (2) by Phone, or (3) via Video Conference. The teacher's full contact information is provided on all program packages mailed by EIPCS and throughout the student website online.
EIPCS commits to deliver each student’s package no later than 30 days after enrollment and return packages sent by students within 30 days of receiving. All ongoing correspondence between the students and the school has a 30-day turnaround policy. Students agree to not send any paperwork Certified Mail, or it will be returned to sender.
Once a student mails out their assigned tests or/and classwork, the student agrees to not contact the school within 30 days and will wait until 30 days in full has passed before contacting the school. If the student contacts the school before the 30-day period, no one will be able to respond to the student until the 30-day policy has expired. All students agree to not call the school before 30 days of mailing out their package.
If a student is not contacted about the program after 30 days, the student can contact the school at 800-590-9611 (option 107). In the event that no one answers, the student should leave a message with the student’s full name and phone number. An EIPCS Team Member will return the student’s call within 24 hours of receiving the message. The 30-Day Policy does not apply to students who paid extra to expedite their documents. For more information about documents that are expedited, refer to the terms and conditions on the “Tuition & Additional Payment Form".
We will not accept any paperwork that is mailed/returned to us unless it’s completely filled out and has student's full name on it. Any paperwork missing information or is illegible, will be returned to sender. In the event that the paperwork (including scoresheets) becomes lost in the mail, EIPCS will not be held responsible, and the student will be required to redo any paperwork that was lost. All paperwork mailed to EIPCS must be mailed using regular mail services only. DO NOT send any certified or registered mail or it will be returned to sender. All paper/mail programs are sent media mail and have tracking numbers to ensure delivery and an accurate time of delivery.
EIPCS does not tolerate vulgar language, insults, threats, racism, or any other kind of ill intent language or threat to do harm. This courtesy policy requires all EIPCS team members to be polite, respectful, and have consideration for others verbally (over the phone and in person) and when writing (on paper, online, on social media, and on any other outlets where written material can be read). All EIPCS team members, either the member be a paid personnel or volunteer, fall under this courtesy policy. EIPCS team members include, but are not limited to, student counselors, administrators, teachers, office personnel, and any person working for EIPCS. EIPCS expects students to also abide by this courtesy policy when interacting with any EIPCS team members or with any other students at EIPCS. Students who fail to abide by this courtesy policy can be suspended or terminated from the program without a refund, or expelled from the school altogether. Students that have been expelled (band) from the school are not eligible to register or re-register in any of our programs or use any of our services (other than requesting their official records and verifying their documents).
EIPCS embraces and welcomes a diverse student body and staff. EIPCS does not discriminate against applicants or students based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, ancestry, gender, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation. All students, administration, partners, potential employees, and anyone affiliated with EIPCS will be treated equally regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, ancestry, gender, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation. EIPCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, ancestry, gender, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation in administering its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship program, and other school-administered programs.
EIPCS is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. All programs and activities at EIPCS shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying by reason of the following actual or perceived characteristics: age, ancestry, color, mental or physical disability, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital or parental status, medical condition, nationality, national origin, actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Students who violate this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, in accordance with district policy, administrative procedure and state law.
Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline up to an including dismissal. Any disciplinary action shall be in accordance with applicable federal, state and/or collective bargaining agreements.
Any personal or financial information collected by EIPCS is either required by Florida State Law for the purpose of registration or is a necessary part of the billing process. The Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) upholds the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). We are committed in protecting our student’s privacy and maintaining their confidentiality. Personal information held about parents and students, information held on registration forms, and any financial information held is kept strictly confidential. EIPCS is committed in protecting your privacy, and how we collect, protect, use, and share the personal information gathered for our school. Any and all sensitive information that requires disposing of, will be properly destroyed with reasonable efforts to protect you against identity theft. For more information, please review our privacy policy and terms of use on the bottom of our website or Click Here!