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Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Adult Education Sample Classroom

After registering, students will join their orientation classroom where they will learn how the program works, how to complete assignments, and take their assessment. The assessment (placement) test helps determine what grade level each student is on in each subject. Once students completes their assessment test, students can begin their classes in Google Classroom. In Google Classroom, students are able to read and watch lectures before completing their assignments for each class all in one area. Class assignments help students to get the know the material better and can help improve their overall score before taking their final test at the end of class.
You can take a look at the pictures below or join our sample class below to discover what an online classroom with Google is all about.
Inside a Classroom:
In-depth details about the subject matter
Lectures and Readings
Assignment Projects
Personal Feedback from the Teacher
and More!

Sample Quiz
Sample of Classroom Assignments
Sample Discussion

Want to see a real online class with Google Classroom yourself?
Signup for our fun free sample classroom, take a look around, and try things out yourself.
Click class number 0101 to get started!
This class is not a real class and will not count for credit on any transcript. For informational purposes only.