Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
From Registration To Graduation
We are sure you have questions about the Adult Education Program and the process.
We can answer many of these questions by breaking down the program step-by-step.
Step 1: Enrollment
Once a program is decided, students can simply fill out our online registration form or call to speak to a student counselor over the phone at 800-590-9611. After registering, students in the online program will receive a "welcome" email, usually within 24 hours, but can take up to 2 days. Students will be emailed their school email address (example: StudentName@educatorsinc,org) and password so they can set-up their account. This email will also direct them to the student website, so they can get started in their program. Students in the paper/mail program will receive their first step in the mail within 30 days. Students in this program will be mailed a copy of the policy agreement, the assessment test, classwork, along with a study guide workbook to complete.
Step 2: Orientation
Although this step is optional, students are welcome to attend orientation. In orientation, the student will learn how the program works and get answers to any questions they may have. Information about the online program, along with a walk-thru presentation, is also provided on the student website. Students in the paper/mail program will be mailed instruction steps to follow with their program. Orientation is offered every two weeks live online and covers information about all the programs we offer at EIPCS.
Step 3: Complete the Classes
Students should begin their classes and schoolwork as soon as possible. The sooner they start, the sooner they can finish. For all our programs, the learning materials and supplies are included. For online students, they will be asked to turn-in, upload, download, and complete a variety of assignments. Within days, their assignments will be graded by their instructor, which will include a complete breakdown of their scores and detailed feedback about their work. Online students are able see their results immediately after completing, for a majority of assignments. K-12 Homeschool students can check their grades, view their payment history, and more by referring to the K-12 program website.
For paper/mail students, after completing their assessment test, they will continue the program by completing their study guide workbook and any classwork they were mailed. This workbook has important information about all core subjects that they will be tested on later when taking their final exams. The workbook has multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, match-style actives, and more. More importantly, this workbook breaks down each topic and problem before asking the student to complete any assignments. Mail/paper students can track their next shipment online (sent by Stamps.com) and check their grades (grades are also mailed to them directly) by calling the school.
Step 4: Get Help
Our team of incredibly helpful teachers are just an email or phone call away. Teacher calling hours are from 10:30AM-5PM Monday - Friday. However, students can email their teacher at anytime or get advice from other students in their classroom. This way students are never alone in trying to find answers to the questions that will help them succeed.
Step 5: Make the Grade
For online students, once they complete all their classwork, they can take the final test for that class. As soon as the student passes, they can continue to their next class, until all of their classes are finished. Once the student has successful completed all of their classes, they will submit a "request to graduate" form, located on the student website. After submitting this form, student's work will be reviewed to see if they are ready to graduate. If they are, the student will be notified by an exit letter sent to their school email, and their documents will be processed and mailed.
For paper/mail students, once they complete all their assigned classwork, their teacher will assign them the online Testing Classroom. The Testing Classroom has 6 final exams that cover all core subjects and electives. Once the student completes a test, the results will be reviewed and posted under their name in the Testing Classroom. After the student successfully completes all of their final exams, they will be emailed an overall summary of their scores before being removed from the classroom. This gives students a chance to print out their scores, since this will not be mailed their overall summary scores with their documents. Once the student receives their summary, their documents will be processed and mailed.
Step 6: Graduation
Graduation represents the culmination of all the student's determination and hard work. At EIPCS, there's nothing virtual about it. Sure, students can have their diploma mailed to them, but at EIPCS, we love to celebrate the success of our students. EIPCS welcomes all graduating students to attend the graduation ceremony. Graduation ceremonies are managed by our partners in different locations throughout the country at certain times of the year. Students are encouraged to complete the graduation form (located on the student website and main website under "resources" on the menu bar) for dates, times, and to make a reservation to hold their spot.