Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955

EIPCS offers a quality education to help students make their dreams a possibility! Our school offers a wide range of programs including onsite schooling, K-12 home schooling, and Adult Education Programs. Our programs are nationally accredited, reasonably priced, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Enroll today and start studying for your accredited high school diploma!

Why Choose Us?
Nationally Accredited
100% Self-paced Programs
Online Classes Available
Perfect for Homeschoolers & Adult Learners
Ideal for Students with High Anxiety or Learning Difficulties
Available Using Textbooks or Online

EIPCS is a (501c3) Non-profit Organization with funding available for serious-minded students only. This scholarship is for the Adult Education Program and students must qualify to receive the scholarship. Our complete program is $700. At EIPCS, every first-time enrolled student can qualify for a $300 Helen Piantiedosi Scholarship (EIPCS scholarship). Give us a call today toll-free for more information!