Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Enrollment Process
At Educators Inc. the enrollment process is simple.
Just follow these simple steps below:

Registration depends on which program you are looking to register in. For our K-12th Virtual School, K-12th Homeschool, or K-12th Onsite Private School, Click Here to be redirected to the correct page to find the registration form. For our Adult Education Program (high school diploma program), Click Here to be redirected to the correct page to find the registration form. With all our registration forms, you will complete the form and pick a program that fits your needs.

During registration, after you fill in your information, upload your transcript (if you are transferring credits), sign our policy agreement, and make your payment at the end of the form to get started. Payment options (including details about the EIPCS scholarship for the Adult Education Program) are enclosed on all of our registration forms. Students taking a program by paper/mail, will receive a copy of our policy agreement in the mail.

Once all the steps above have been completed above, you will be sent the first step of the program. Students completing their program online, can start immediately after receiving their welcome email. Students completing a program by paper/mail, will begin their program upon delivery.