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Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Department of Education
EIPCS is a Federally Registered School #062668393
General Information
The Florida Department of Education does not have jurisdiction over private schools. Legislative intent not to regulate, control, approve, or accredit private educational institutions, churches, their ministries, religious instruction, freedoms, or rites, is explicit. The owners of private elementary and secondary schools in Florida are solely responsible for all aspects of their educational programs, including:
Certification, qualification, and training of teachers and administrators;
Content and comprehensiveness of the curriculum;
Duties, qualifications, and salaries of faculty and staff; tuition, class size, fee scales, pupil expenditures, and refund policies;
Student assessment, academic credits, grades, and graduation or promotion requirements;
Student regulation, dismissal, and expulsion policies; and
Student records content, retention, transfer, and release.
Such issues as dress code, discipline, punishment and behavior, extra curricular activities, religious participation, parental responsibilities, and parental involvement in school activities varies from one private school to another.
All private schools are required under s. 1002.42, Florida Statutes, to register with the Department of Education and complete an annual survey each year. Each owner of a private school must submit fingerprints to FDLE for a criminal background check. Private schools must keep attendance records for compulsory attendance purposes and must also meet certain health and safety requirements. Finally, private schools that become defunct are required to transfer all permanent information included in student records to the public school district.
Florida State Standards & Curriculum
Notice: Florida has moved away from the Common Core State Standards.
On February 12, 2020, the state’s Department of Education adopted the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards, a new system for measuring student development. These rigorous standards, which heavily focus on mathematics and English language arts skills, are designed to prepare students for success in college and beyond.
Florida’s Department of Education has rolled out the F.A.S.T. - Florida Assessment of Student Thinking.
With this transition to statewide progress monitoring for school accountability, Florida will restore the ability for parents and teachers to have impactful conversations about students’ growth and inform parents’ ability to help their children grow by:
Becoming the 1st State in the Nation to switch from end of the year assessments to state standards-aligned progress monitoring for accountability; Minimizing the stress of testing to three much shorter tests in the Fall, Winter and Spring that will inform students, teachers and parents about students’ growth, rather than a single lengthy end-of-year assessment that halts learning and leaves zero opportunity for improvement.
This reduces testing time an average of 75% through progress monitoring, increasing time for teaching and providing more timely, usable feedback to help students reach their unique goals.
In 2021, EIPCS actively applied these changes by making most of our classes scored on a 50/50 scale. In most of our classes, a student's grade is calculated using 50% of their coursework scores and using 50% of their final exam score. Some classes are weighed differently. Students should read each class syllabus beforehand to learn exactly how they will be graded.
Assignments are graded on a point scale, where the more points an assignment is worth, the more influence the assignment will have on the student's average overall grade for the class. All classes require an overall score of 70% or higher to pass.

To learn more about the requirements of earning a 24-credit standard high school diploma from the FLDOE, Click Here!
To see the education fact sheet for Florida's traditional 24-credit high school diploma option, Click Here!
Florida Department of Education Curriculum Framework
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools has adopted the Florida Department of Education state status and curriculum standards for Adult Education Programs. All guidelines, framework, class descriptions, and etc. are listed below for your information. We are always updating our framework as new information becomes available.
Program Title: Adult High School
Program Type: Adult Education
Career Cluster: N/A
Program Number: 9900010
CIP Number: 1532.010202
Grade Level: 30,31
Standard Length: 90 Hours
The purpose of this program is to prepare students for academic and personal success through obtaining the necessary credits required to meet their personal educational goals whether it is high school completion, successful completion of a career/technical training course, or completion of any other academic subject that is not purely career/technical in nature. This program strives to motivate students to utilize the acquired skills in the workforce and to achieve career and technical training and job placement success.
Program Structure:
Adult High School (AHS) is graded and characterized by individualized, self-paced instructional modules and performance based evaluation. Placement into the program is based on an individual’s high school transcript. A variety of resources including computers, tape recorders, cassette players, videos, CD-ROMS, and interactive videos may be used in AHS courses. Modifications to equipment and curriculum or special accommodations may be required based on student need. This program framework is correlated to the K-12 Next Generation Standards as courses offered must be the same as those in the K-12 program (see Florida Course Code Descriptions for Grades 6-12, Basic and Adult Education Manual). The standards are benchmarked. Benchmarks describe the student achievement that the state will hold schools accountable for students learning in the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts (music, visual arts, dance, theater), health, physical education, and foreign languages. The domains, strands, standards and benchmarks, which comprise the Next Generation Standards, are State Board of Education adopted. Rule 6A-1.09401, FAC, requires public schools to provide appropriate instruction to assist students in the achievement of these standards.
Program procedures for enrollment include the following:
A. Determining eligibility for enrollment:
I. Declaration of intent or withdrawal form for students 16 or 17 years of age.
II. Legal withdrawal from elementary or secondary school with the exceptions noted in Rule 6A-6.014, FAC.
B. Diagnosing learning difficulties as necessary.
C. Prescribing individualized instruction.
D. Correlating subject areas with Next Generation Standards.
E. Managing learning activities.
F. Evaluating student progress.
Federal and state legislation requires the provision of accommodations for students with disabilities to meet individual needs and ensure equal access. Students with disabilities in adult education programs must self-identify, provide documentation, and request
accommodations, if needed. It is recommended that accommodations be identified on a Transition Individual Educational Plan (TIEP), a Section 504 Accommodations Plan, or the development of a plan with their service provider. Accommodations received in secondary education may differ from those received in adult education. Accommodations change the way the student is instructed. Students with disabilities may need accommodations in such areas as instructional methods and materials, assignments and assessments, time demands, schedules, learning environment, assistive technology, and special communication systems. Documentation of the accommodations requested, and provided, should be maintained in a confidential file.
Except as provided elsewhere in law, the graduation requirements for adults shall be the same as those for secondary students. To obtain a regular adult education diploma, a student must earn twenty-four credits, successfully complete the FCAT or earn passing concordant scores on the SAT or ACT, pass End of Course Exams as appropriate, and maintain a GPA in accordance with State of Florida guidelines.
Minimum requirements for an adult high school diploma. Sections 1003.428 and 1003.43(6), F.S.
Listed Below:
Language Arts 4 Credits
Mathematics 4 Credits
Social Studies 3 Credits
Science 3 Credits
Electives 10 Credits
TOTAL: 24 Credits
Grade Level Classifications:
9th Grade = 0-6 Credits
11th Grade = 13-18 Credits
10th Grade = 7-12 Credits
12th Grade = 19 or more Credits
Note: Please refer to F.S. 1003.428; Revised, for the most current graduation requirements for students who entered the 9th grade in 2007-2008 and after and F.S. 1003.43 for requirements for students who enrolled prior to 2007-2008. Exemptions for all Adult High School students, regardless of the date of enrollment, can be found in 1003.43(6). Physical education and Fine/Performing Arts are not required but students must still complete the minimum 24 credits. The laboratory requirement may also be waived by the district or college if facilities are not available. Local providers may require additional credits for high school graduation.