Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Adult Education Fees
Tuition cost for the online program is $700 (reduced to $400 with the EIPCS Scholarship). This tuition pays for the complete online program, including the student's assessment test, and all the required classes. It also pays for the cost of retaking up to 2 classes if required. For any additional classes past that, the student will need to pay a $50 classroom fee per each additional class.
Tuition cost for the paper program is $700 (reduced to $400 with the EIPCS Scholarship). This tuition pays for the complete paper program, including the student's assessment test, study text workbooks, and all final tests. Should the student fail 3 final tests in any subject, the student will be required to switch to the online program to receive more extensive help. Any student who is required to switch to the online program will do so free of charge. The student's program deadline date will still remain the same after switching to the online program.
A $20 re-stocking fee per book will apply for any test books that were damaged while in the possession of the student. This includes any assessment test books, writing guides, or any other tests books that were damaged while in the possession of the student. All text books are in "new" or "like new" condition and are heavily inspected for damage when returned from each student. Damage is defined under "Property Damage" in the EIPCS Policy Terms and Conditions Agreement for the program.
A $100 late fee will apply for any coursework (including testing) that has not been completed within the student's program deadline date (1 year after registration). This includes any classes, testing, or any other other coursework that was assigned, but never completed. After paying this late fee (also known as a program extension fee), the student will have another 6 months to complete their coursework. Any students who did not complete their coursework past this 6-month extension, will need an additional extension to continue their program. Students are able to extend their program 3 times for $100 each 6-month extension. Students who need a 4th program extension, must get an approval by the school board.
A $50 late fee per month will apply for any tests that were not completed within 30 days after being assigned. This fee applies to all and any assessment tests and final tests that have been assigned, but have not been completed. A $50 late fee will apply for each month late, up to 6 months. After 6 months of a student being late on their test(s), they will be terminated from the program. Students that terminated after being awarded the EIPCS Scholarship, will not qualify or be awarded the EIPCS Scholarship again. Student who are terminated, will be required to pay the full cost of tuition (with or without being on a payment plan) at the time of registration to retake the program. Students who are terminated, forfeit and lose all program investment, including any coursework completed or in the progress of being completed, and must restart the program from the beginning, should they choose to re-enroll. For more information, refer to the EIPCS Policy Terms and Conditions Agreement for this program. This policy agreement is provided to each and every student that registers in this program.
Potential Fees Chart
Any Late Tests
Any Late Coursework
Any Additional Classes
Any Damaged Book
30 days late - $50
30-60 days late - $100
60-90 days late - $150
90-120 days late - $200
120-150 days late - $250
150-180 days late - $300
+180 days late - Terminated
Any days after program deadline date (1 year from registration date) - $100
Needing more than 3 program extensions - Approval from the school board will be required.
Any class past the 2 courtesy retake classes (per class) - $50
Any additional classes (per class) - $50
Any test book (per book) - $20