Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Adult Education Program
Whether you're comfortable online using a computer, a tablet, a phone, or our textbooks, we have a program that fits your needs.
Click Here to read step-by-step on how the program works!

Simple & easy registration form.
Lowest tuition in the nation ($400) with our Scholarship Program or pay only $100 down to start with our Payment Plan option ($700 in total).
Up to 70% of approved credits can be transferred from a previous school transcript.
User-friendly online classes & testing platforms.
Classes can be completed on your phone by downloading the "Google Classroom" app from the Play Store or Apple Store.
Self-paced classes with guided help and tutoring as needed.
You are able to celebrate your accomplishment (earning your diploma) by attending one of our optional graduation ceremonies.
After graduating, you will receive a graduation letter, 1 diploma, 2 transcripts, and 2 summary scoresheets of your grades.
You can use your diploma to go to college, a trade school, to join the military, or for employment (or a better paying job).
You are able to request an official transcript or diploma replacement online, 24/7 anytime you need one.
Free education verifications requests for organizations for any students who have graduated with us.
Step 1
Assessment Test
All students begin with an assessment (placement) test.
Step 2
After, students have 1 year to complete any classes and classwork assigned.
Step 3
Final Test
Students will finish their class by taking the final test. This step is repeated until all classes are completed. Students must score 70% or higher to pass.
After students complete these three steps, they are done with their program and can graduate! Students are welcome to attend one of our graduations to celebrate by filling out a graduation form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Billing Questions
Question: What is the total tuition cost of the Adult Education Program (high school diploma program)?
Answer: The total cost is $400 with our scholarship or $700 without our scholarship.
Question: How do I apply for a scholarship?
Answer: You do not need to apply for a scholarship. All you need to do is make a $400 payment at the time of your registration and we will use that same registration form to apply and collect your scholarship to apply to your tuition.
Question: Who qualifies for a scholarship?
Answer: All first-time students that make a $400 payment at the time of their registration qualify. If you have never received a scholarship before and make a $400 payment when you register, you will automatically receive the EIPCS scholarship. If for some reason you do not qualify or we are out of scholarship funds, we will contact you shortly after registering.
Question: Is there a difference in cost for the online vs paper/mail program?
Answer: No, the tuition cost for both programs are the same. However, the paper/mail program will cost you more than the online program in the long-run. This is due to the repeated cost of paying for return postage. In the paper/mail program, we only pay the cost to mail coursework to you, not from you. You will be responsible for funding all the coursework that needs to be returned to us. Students in the paper/mail program should expect to pay for postage at least 3 times during the duration of their program.
Question: Do I have to pay for another class or final test attempt if I fail it?
Answer: In the online program, you are able to take retake up to 2 classes for free. If you need to retake more than 2 classes, a $50 classroom fee will apply per class. In the paper/mail program, you are able to retake a final test up to 2 times (2 test attempts in total). After 2 failed final test attempts, you will be required to take the online class for any final test subject(s) that you failed. We require this to help you better learn the material and to increase the odds of you passing whatever final test subjects you failed. You cannot pay for a 3rd final test attempt to avoid taking online classes.
Question: I finished my program and graduated, but still owe a balance on my account. Can my documents be mailed to me while I'm paying the balance off?
Answer: No, the school will not release your documents until your balance is paid in full. This includes any remaining tuition, lates fees, book damage fees, and or any other fees that you may have on your account.
Our transcript reflects the grades of each course the student completed, equaling 24 credits and meeting the Florida State Standard for Adult Education.