Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
EIPCS has a collection of experienced full-time faculty and administrative staff. Our high school educators are practicing professionals in their fields and are eager to share their real-world knowledge with each and every student. Our educators contribute to course development, course content, by providing advice, and by offering instructional support with our tutorial staff. Our dedicated faculty and staff are proud of their impressive credentials, which are comparable to those of the best career educators in accredited schools across the nation. If you need academic assistance during your studies, you may reach our helpful tutorial staff online or by phone. They will answer your questions and ensure you fully grasp your classwork and program.
Meet Our Staff
Corporate Administrators
Adam Finn
Head Administrator
Lara Nichilo
Guidance Counselor
Margaret Williamson
Human Resources
Andrew Bittar
Lee A Lucas
Dorothy Madura
Megan O'Donnell
Christine King
Website & Advertising
Lindsay M Smith
Corporation Members
Adam Finn
Vice President
Britteny Lucas
Dorothy Madura
Board Members
Andrew Bittar
Christine King
Jennifer Lynn
Lara Nichilo
Margaret Williamson
Megan O'Donnell
Robin Robinson
Community Investors
Infinity Designs
Dee Nicole
Storage Now
Robin Robinson
Integrity Pest Control
Ryan Wilinski
Infinity Salons & Spas
Shelly Dickens
Nature's Beeline LLC
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