Questions? 1-800-590-9611
Fully Accredited
Educators Inc. Private Christian Schools
400 Barton Blvd #204, Rockledge, FL 32955
Adult Education Program (High School Diploma Program)
A high school diploma means you could earn 30% more than non-graduates and open doors to unlimited career opportunities. Employers want proof that you have your high school diploma that meets the Department of Education (DOE) state standards, a high school diploma with EIPCS can do this!
Advantages to earning a High School Diploma with EIPCS:
Enroll anytime and learn from the comfort of your home.
100% self-paced independent study, so you can maintain your job.
Accessible from most internet-capable devices.
Available in Spanish using our textbook paper/mail program.
Low tuition rate; up to 55% less compared to other high schools online.
Affordable interest-free payment plans; get started with only $100 down.
Transfer credits and graduate faster; earn your diploma in less than a year.
Research shows that students and employers value a high school diploma over a GED. Earning a GED shows you only took a test, while earning a high school diploma shows you have an education.
We have program options to meet your needs and situation. No matter which program you choose, you will have graduated with an accredited high school diploma and career training that employer's respect.

K-12th Virtual / K-12th Homeschool Program
We cover all grade levels, from kindergarten to 12th grade. We offer a full curriculum for each grade level that keeps the student engaged. Students are able to continue their education in a more compatible setting that helps them learn without distractions. This program is designed for students with a wide variety of individual educational needs.
Our student base includes self-directed independent learners, students with various learning disabilities, and students who just have difficulty learning in a traditional school setting.
One of the many benefits of our online and umbrella school programs is that students are free to work at their own pace. When students are permitted to work at their own chosen rate, they understand the subject matter more thoroughly, and generally accelerate their rate of learning. In most cases, students complete their studies faster and are able to move forward. This is an ideal program for students who have failed a grade, or were "held back" in a public or private school system and are looking to catch-up and get back on their grade level.

K-12th Onsite Private School Program
We offer onsite education for all grade levels, from kindergarten to 12th grade. We offer a full curriculum for each grade level that prepares the student for the next grade level and life. Students will learn in a social setting with other students of their grade level. This program is ideal for students that required in-person and/or individual instruction to complete their studies.
Our student base includes students with learning disabilities and students who require a structured environment. Students will be guided by a teacher, similar to a traditional school setting.
One of the many benefits of our onsite school program is that students are guided every step of the way. Students will participate in daily activities, engaging classwork, and tutoring sessions. Students are able to understand the subject matter more thoroughly when classwork is explained and then guided. In most cases, students improve their grade score average and are able to advance to the next level of education with confidence. This is an ideal program for students who have failed a grade, or were "held back" in a public or private school system and are looking to improve their grades, get back on their grade level, or advance to the next grade level.

Must contact school for current availability/spots available.
Interested in any of these programs?
Call 1-800-590-9611 to speak with an Admissions Advisor.